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全自動(dòng)焊接機 器人的焊接速率可自動(dòng)調節、轉動(dòng)、給料、晃動(dòng)等均可自動(dòng)調節。焊接機 器人還能夠在較寬的速率轉變范疇內完成調節,調整以后的焊接加工工藝、焊接速率、表層間隔也會(huì )出現輕佻的轉變。下面為各位詳細介紹應用全自動(dòng)焊接機 器人的必要條件。

The welding robot can automatically adjust the rotation and shaking speed of welding. The welding robot can also complete the adjustment in a wide range of rate transformation, and there will be frivolous changes in the adjusted welding process, welding rate and surface interval. The following is a detailed introduction to the necessary conditions for the application of fully automatic welding robot.
應用全自動(dòng)焊接機 器人的必要條件:
Necessary conditions for the application of fully automatic welding robot:
1.智能機 器人對總體規格精密度規定并不是尤其高,自動(dòng)化技術(shù)焊接機 器人都是有誤差傳感器及其焊接全過(guò)程中的脈沖追蹤作用,因此可以實(shí)現一定水平的改正。
1. Intelligent robots do not have particularly high requirements on the overall specification precision. Automatic welding robots have error sensors and pulse tracking in the whole welding process, so they can achieve a certain level of correction.
2.機器人自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)角焊縫的組裝間隙一定要操縱,不然非常容易焊穿,在有間隙的地區,智能機 器人開(kāi)展焊接前進(jìn)行事先的人力內搭可以合理的降低焊穿的產(chǎn)生。
2. The assembly gap of fillet weld of robot automatic production line must be manipulated, otherwise it is very easy to weld through. In areas with gap, the intelligent robot can reasonably reduce the generation of welding through by carrying out pre manual internal welding before welding.
3.連接焊縫的根處間隙要平穩勻稱(chēng),如今的自動(dòng)化技術(shù)焊接機 器人一般有間隙傳感器作用,在一定水平內可以依據具體的焊縫根處間隙開(kāi)展主要參數賠償,可是假如起伏很大,間隙太不勻稱(chēng)得話(huà),焊縫焊接和焊縫成形品質(zhì)也會(huì )很不穩定。
3. The gap at the root of the connecting weld should be stable and symmetrical. Today's automatic technology welding robot generally has the function of gap sensor. At a certain level, it can carry out the main parameter compensation according to the specific gap at the root of the weld. However, if the fluctuation is large and the gap is too uneven, the weld welding and weld forming quality will also be very unstable.
4.焊縫的焊接容量需操縱,例如焊接機 器人如何編程角焊縫規定10,具體板外焊接容量?jì)H有8,那毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)會(huì )咬邊。
4. The welding capacity of the weld needs to be manipulated. For example, how does the welding robot program the fillet weld? The specific welding capacity outside the plate is only 8, which will undoubtedly undercut.
以上為各位講解了應用全自動(dòng)焊接機 器人的必要條件。為保證全自動(dòng)焊接設備以及水、電、支氣管道在長(cháng)時(shí)間高溫條件下穩定工作中,其型號選擇和排熱性也需要合乎有關(guān)規定。
The above explains the necessary conditions for the application of fully automatic welding robot. In order to ensure the stable operation of automatic welding equipment and water, electricity and gas pipelines under high temperature conditions for a long time, its model selection and heat removal also need to comply with relevant regulations.
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