




來(lái)源:http://m.aplwebs.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-09-16 瀏覽次數:0


There are two major forms of soldering in the soldering wire industry: machine automatic soldering and manual soldering; The so-called machine automatic welding refers to the use of an automatic soldering machine to achieve the welding of solder wires and components; Another type of manual welding is the process of manually feeding tin, using soldering tools such as soldering iron heads to manually operate the welding of components. These two welding methods of solder wire have their own advantages and limitations. The following is a collection of extensive information by the editor of Double Chile Solder to elaborate on these two welding methods:
一、焊錫絲的自動(dòng)焊接:自動(dòng)焊接必須要借助自動(dòng)焊錫設備來(lái)實(shí)現,自動(dòng)焊接設備可以替代重復性的的手工焊接動(dòng)作,焊錫過(guò)程分為三個(gè)過(guò)程:一次送錫、預熱,二次送錫,三次送錫。自動(dòng)焊錫設備焊接針對某些產(chǎn)品的焊接效率會(huì )有顯著(zhù)提高,并減少焊錫絲浪費,多方面降低成本,焊接時(shí)烙鐵和焊錫絲均不需經(jīng)由手工作業(yè),機器作業(yè)手臂可以調整產(chǎn)品焊接作業(yè)時(shí)的焊接位置,有強大的送錫系統,自動(dòng)、定速、定量的輸送焊錫絲,焊接溫度自動(dòng)恒溫控制方式,快速回溫升溫;送錫速度、錫點(diǎn)大小可調,充分保證焊接質(zhì)量,靈活性強,可依不同產(chǎn)品快速切換焊接程式。其操作起來(lái)也簡(jiǎn)單,新手兩小時(shí)即可熟練操作,可節省50%人力。自動(dòng)焊接還具有點(diǎn)焊、拖焊、自動(dòng)清洗等多種功能,其焊接效果相比起手工焊接的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是焊點(diǎn)均勻一致,品質(zhì)穩定,更接近理論上的焊錫狀態(tài),適用于焊錫各種電子元件,如電容、電阻、引腳、扁平電纜、屏蔽罩等。
1、 Automatic welding of solder wire: Firstly, automatic welding must be achieved through the use of automatic soldering equipment. Automatic soldering equipment can replace repetitive manual welding actions. The soldering process is divided into three processes: primary feeding, preheating, secondary feeding, and tertiary feeding. Automatic soldering equipment can significantly improve the welding efficiency of certain products, reduce the waste of soldering wire, and reduce costs in various aspects. During welding, the soldering iron and soldering wire do not need to be manually operated, and the machine operation arm can be adjusted to the optimal welding position during product welding operation. It has a powerful tin feeding system, which automatically, fixedly, and quantitatively transports soldering wire. The welding temperature is automatically controlled at a constant temperature to quickly return to temperature and increase temperature; The tin feeding speed and tin spot size can be adjusted to fully ensure welding quality, with strong flexibility and the ability to quickly switch welding programs according to different products. Its operation is also simple, novices can proficiently operate it in two hours, saving 50% of manpower. Automatic welding also has various functions such as spot welding, drag welding, and automatic cleaning. Compared to manual welding, its biggest advantage is that the solder joints are uniform and consistent, with stable quality, closer to the theoretical perfect soldering state. It is suitable for soldering various electronic components, such as capacitors, resistors, pins, flat cables, shielding covers, etc.
Machine automatic welding
二、焊錫絲的人工焊接即手工焊接,手工焊接適合類(lèi)型繁多且生產(chǎn)焊接加工量較少的工廠(chǎng);目前手工焊接不可替代的領(lǐng)域一是外殼是不耐高溫的貼片零件;二是熱敏性零件手工焊接在這些生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中是不可或缺的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節;手工焊接的效率比起機器焊接的會(huì )相差很大,工人焊接手法不熟練,焊接技術(shù)不到位等直接影響產(chǎn)品的性能、品質(zhì)等。手工焊接在焊接時(shí)如果少錫易導致元件有較多的氧化物,焊接面積或高度不滿(mǎn)足焊接工藝標準,多錫則出現焊接面積或高度超出工藝標準;手工焊接時(shí)烙鐵溫度及焊接的溫度沒(méi)有掌握好還會(huì )出現假焊,造成間隙不良焊接現象等。
2、 The manual welding of solder wire is also known as manual welding. Manual welding is suitable for factories with a wide range of types and relatively low production welding processing volume; At present, the irreplaceable field of manual welding is that the outer shell is a non heat-resistant SMD component; Secondly, manual welding of heat sensitive parts is an indispensable key link in these production processes; The efficiency of manual welding differs greatly from that of machine welding, as workers' lack of proficiency in welding techniques and inadequate welding techniques directly affect the performance and quality of products. If there is less tin during manual welding, it can easily lead to more oxides in the components, and the welding area or height does not meet the welding process standards. If there is more tin, the welding area or height will exceed the process standards; During manual welding, if the temperature of the soldering iron and the welding temperature are not properly controlled, false welding may occur, resulting in poor welding gaps.
According to the different solder materials, the maximum temperature for welding varies. Automated machinery is more intelligent and precise in controlling the welding temperature, while automated machinery is more efficient. In an environment where mechanized production is gradually replacing manual production, talent is also a high cost that various enterprises are competing to invest in.
From the above analysis, we can see that regardless of which soldering material is used, automatic welding is superior to manual welding under certain conditions. Both welding methods also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Below, we will compare them through three aspects: labor cost, material cost, and product quality:
1、 Comparison of labor costs
人工焊接流程中人工的流動(dòng)性大,會(huì )導致培訓和管理成本增加;而自動(dòng)焊接設備的焊接對于人員的要求不用刻意的調換,無(wú)需培訓,直接上崗。
The high mobility of labor in the manual welding process can lead to increased training and management costs; The welding requirements of automatic welding equipment for personnel do not require deliberate replacement or training, and can be directly employed.
手工焊接中人員的培訓不當或是生熟手等差異或多或少的會(huì )造成質(zhì)量的波動(dòng),故障率相對來(lái)說(shuō)會(huì )高,焊錫絲焊接出來(lái)的一致性差,質(zhì)量方面需要人為的干預與控制;自動(dòng)焊錫設備只要設備調好,沒(méi)有效率和質(zhì)量的曲線(xiàn)概率,沒(méi)有新手和熟練(手工)的差距等,焊錫絲焊接出來(lái)的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量穩定,效率穩定,可連續工作。
Improper training of personnel or differences in proficiency in manual welding can lead to more or less quality fluctuations, relatively high failure rates, poor consistency of solder wire welding, and the need for human intervention and control in terms of quality; As long as the automatic soldering equipment is properly adjusted, there is no curve probability of efficiency and quality, and there is no gap between novice and skilled (manual), etc. The product quality produced by soldering wire is stable, the efficiency is stable, and it can work continuously.
Environmentally friendly soldering wire
工作里淡季和旺季時(shí)這兩種焊接方式的焊接準備效率就會(huì )更加的明顯,人工焊接會(huì )有很多的弊端,人工成本較高,熟練操作的人員招聘難度較大,而此時(shí)的自動(dòng)焊錫設備可以以24小時(shí)工作,淡季不疲勞,節約人工成本。
The welding preparation efficiency of these two welding methods in the off-season and peak season of work will be more obvious. Manual welding has many drawbacks, such as high labor costs and difficulty in recruiting skilled personnel. At this time, automatic soldering equipment can work 24 hours without fatigue during the off-season, saving labor costs.
2、 Comparison of raw material costs
Due to the repeated outbreak of the epidemic, raw materials such as soldering continue to rise, profit margins continue to decline, competition is fierce, homogenization is severe, and improper operation in manual soldering leads to waste of raw materials. Automatic soldering equipment can use various soldering techniques (such as spot welding, drag welding, etc.) according to product characteristics, which saves material costs more than manual soldering processes. According to analysis, spot welding can save 15% on the basis of manual soldering; Drag soldering: can save 30% on manual soldering.
3、 The entire process of quality comparison
The quality of manual soldering is relatively arbitrary, and it cannot truly achieve standardization and uniformity of soldering, resulting in significant fluctuations in soldering effectiveness. The welding points automatically welded by the machine are relatively uniform, and the quality of the same batch of products welded is better than that of manual welding. Whether to choose automatic welding or manual welding also depends on the process requirements of various industries or products.
Lead solder wire
Whether it is machine automatic welding or manual welding, high-quality solder wire is also a decisive factor in determining the quality of its welding. At present, the soldering wires produced by the dual Chilean soldering manufacturers are original tin production and rosin core active soldering wires. The rosin content can be adjusted according to whether it is manual welding or machine welding. The wire diameter and weight can be customized, and the welded joints are bright, firm, smooth, and with minimal residue.
Reminder from Double Chilean Solder Manufacturers: When ordering solder wire, everyone should explain to the solder supplier that it is handmade
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Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Shandong Automatic Welding Equipment. For more information and questions, please click on: http://m.aplwebs.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
