




來(lái)源:http://m.aplwebs.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-05-07 瀏覽次數:0


For transformers with small capacity, 50Hz power frequency AC can be used, while for transformers with large capacity, inverter technology has been used to change 50Hz power frequency AC into 600 ~ 700Hz AC, so as to reduce and reduce the volume of transformers. After voltage transformation, 600 ~ 700Hz AC welding can be directly used, or secondary rectification can be carried out and DC welding can be used. The welding parameters are adjusted by the timer, see Figure 1b. The new timer has been computerized, so the robot control cabinet can directly control the timer without additional interface. The welding tongs of spot welding robot usually use pneumatic welding tongs. The opening between the two electrodes of pneumatic welding tongs is generally only two-stage stroke. Moreover, once the electrode pressure is set, it cannot be changed at will. In recent years, a new type of electric servo spot welding clamp has emerged. The opening and closing of the welding clamp are driven by the servo motor and fed back by the code disk, so that the opening degree of the welding clamp can be arbitrarily selected and preset according to the actual needs. Moreover, the pressing force between electrodes can also be adjusted steplessly. The welding equipment of the welding robot adopts an integrated welding clamp, and the welding transformer is installed behind the welding clamp, so the transformer shall be miniaturized as far as possible. Automatic welding equipment.
Advantages of automatic welding robot
1. Robot welding can improve product quality
焊接機器人在焊接過(guò)程中,只要給出焊接參數,和運動(dòng)軌跡,機器人就會(huì )準確重復此動(dòng)作,焊接參數如焊接電流、電壓、焊接速度及焊接焊絲長(cháng)度等對焊接結果起決定作用。采用機器人焊接時(shí)對于每條焊縫的焊接參數都是恒定的,焊縫質(zhì)量受人的因素影響較小,降低了對工人操作技術(shù)的要求,因此焊接質(zhì)量是穩定的,從而保證了我們產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量。而人工焊接時(shí),焊接速度、焊絲伸長(cháng)等都是變化的,因此很難做到質(zhì)量的均一性。全自動(dòng)焊接設備。
In the welding process, as long as the welding parameters and motion trajectory are given, the robot will accurately repeat this action. The welding parameters such as welding current, voltage, welding speed and welding wire length play a decisive role in the welding results. When robot welding is adopted, the welding parameters of each weld are constant, and the weld quality is less affected by human factors, which reduces the requirements for workers' operation technology. Therefore, the welding quality is stable, so as to ensure the quality of our products. In manual welding, the welding speed and wire elongation change, so it is difficult to achieve the uniformity of quality. Automatic welding equipment.
2. Robot welding can improve production efficiency
焊接機器人響應時(shí)間短,動(dòng)作迅速,焊接速度在60-3000px/分鐘,這個(gè)速度遠遠高于手工焊接,機器人在運轉過(guò)程中不停頓也不休息,但是工人上班時(shí)是不可能做到不停頓不休息,同時(shí)工人的工作效率也受到心情等因素影響,工人會(huì )請假、發(fā)呆、聊天、抽煙、上廁所,加班要給加班工資,而機器人就沒(méi)有上述問(wèn)題,只要保證外部水電氣等條件,就可以持續工作,這就無(wú)形中提高了企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)效率。
The welding robot has short response time and rapid action. The welding speed is 60-3000px / min, which is much higher than that of manual welding. The robot does not stop or rest during operation, but it is impossible for workers to stop and rest at work. At the same time, the working efficiency of workers is also affected by mood and other factors. Workers will ask for leave, daze, chat, smoke and go to the toilet. Overtime pay is required for overtime, The robot does not have the above problems. As long as the external water, electricity and other conditions are guaranteed, it can continue to work, which virtually improves the production efficiency of the enterprise.
3. Robot welding is easy to arrange production plan
由于機器人可重復性高,只要給定參數,就會(huì )永遠按照指令去動(dòng)作,因此機器人焊接產(chǎn)品周期明確,容易控制產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)量。機器人的生產(chǎn)節拍是固定的,因此安排生產(chǎn)計劃十分明確。準確的生產(chǎn)計劃可應使企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)效率、資源的綜合利用做到更大化。
Due to the high repeatability of the robot, as long as the parameters are given, it will always act according to the instructions. Therefore, the robot welding product cycle is clear and it is easy to control the product output. The production rhythm of the robot is fixed, so the production plan is very clear. Accurate production planning can make the production efficiency of enterprises and the comprehensive utilization of resources greater.
4. Robot welding can reduce the cost of enterprises
The reduction of enterprise cost by welding robot is mainly reflected in large-scale production. One robot can replace 2 to 4 industrial workers, which is different according to the specific situation of the enterprise. The robot has no fatigue and can produce continuously 24 hours a day. In addition, with the application of high-speed welding technology, the cost of robot welding is reduced more obviously.
